Основные компетенции речевой коммуникации обучающихся
Annotation: The author characterizes the set of means understood as the technique of dialogue communication and divided into verbal and non-verbal, consisting of ways of organizing the text and methods of non-verbal presentation of the text in the context of the lesson, in the formation of a reasoned answer in the International PISA study.
The authors present the need for the formation of communicative competence through interactive learning through reading literacy, which is necessary in the international program for assessing the educational achievements of students, created by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The author analyzes and substantiates the results of the analysis of the PISA International Program for the Assessment of Competences in Reading Literacy, which reflects the level of formation of speech competence of adolescents, aimed at developing the communicative competence of secondary school students as future specialists (15-year-old students), taking into account the readiness to solve problems in an organized manner. tasks and problems, analyze, present an argumentative evidence base on the topic of the problem. The author of the article explores the resources that a student of a general education school in Kazakhstan should have in order to organize effective communication in interactive learning.
The author of the article explors the resources that a student of a general education school in Kazakhstan should have in order to organize effective communication in interactive learning. The author identifies the main strategies of pedagogical dialogue technology necessary for the formation of speech competence, taking into account the process of meaning formation in the formation of a reasoned response base on a problematic issue. The author in the article proposes a step-by-step algorithm for the actions of a subject teacher and a student in a seminar-discussion, the dynamics of changes in the formation of detailed answers during analytical reading using interactive technologies.
Key words: communication technique, interactive speaking technique, verbal and non-verbal technology, awareness, competence, International PISA program.
Автор: Кузнецова Анна Николаевна
Журнал «Педагогический мир Казахстана». Выпуск 13 (78) (июль 2022 г.)